Customer focus is particularly important to us at thomas bau. This means that, regardless of the construction services that you need, you can always rely on the swift preparation of the offer.
Our commitment to your project establishes the basis for a long-term partnership. Our wide range of solutions for construction means that we are sure to have the right construction service for your project.
- High delivery reliability
- Optimum quality of execution
- Competent, accessible contacts
- Straightforward consultations at the construction site
Effective and reliable – our qualifications
thomas bau is pre-qualified in line with the requirements defined in Section 6 VOB/A (Construction Tendering and Contract Regulations Part A) and Section 6 EU VOB/A (EU Construction Tendering and Contract Regulations Part A).

Güteschutz Kanalbau guarantees the technical performance and quality of execution in sewer construction activities carried out by thomas bau.