Key features
- preventive surface protection
- transparent
- water, oil and grease repellent
- to be applied after assembly
- applicable for all types of facades
Graffiti protection systems for your exposed and architectural concrete facades are true all-rounders. They are applied after installation on site and complete the surface protection system, which has both water- and oil-repellent properties. Graffiti protection systems have a preventive effect, as they enable residue-free removal of unwanted smearings on your facade surfaces.
Graffiti protection systems also have a permanent effect, are UV and weather resistant, open to diffusion and transparent. We use only long-term proven products with permanent effect.
- Curtain-type, rear-ventilated facades
- Load-bearing, single-layer facades
- Load-bearing, multi-layer facades (sandwich construction with core insulation layer)
- Exposed and architectural concrete facades retain their value over the long term
- Production in the factory meets the highest quality standards
- Delivery of large-format facade elements significantly speeds up the construction process
- Color, structure and surface finish make your facade unique
- Transparent surface impregnation protects your investment
Standing or lying transport on truck
Sales team
Daniel Stanik
Head of the Hennigsdorf location / authorised signatory
thomas allton GmbH
Veltener Straße 99
16761 Hennigsdorf
T +49 (3302) 803 506
E daniel.stanik@thomas-next.de