Key features
- Disposal of bituminous road rubble (170301) as soil or as milled material in an approved intermediate storage facility
- Professional disposal of your construction waste, incl. any necessary documentation (e.g. help preparing the disposal certificates/accompanying documents)
Available at the
Argenthal plant
We operate an approved transfer station for bituminous road rubble (170301*) and give you the opportunity to dispose of even large amounts of materials. We reprocess the rubble to produce a bituminous hydraulically-bound base course, while at the same time making a valuable contribution to environmental protection. That’s because our reprocessing process transforms construction waste that requires particular monitoring into high-quality, stable secondary construction material. Besides the recycling as a hydraulically-bound base course, this also generates commercial benefits.
Miranda Czasny
Sekretariat Geschäftsführung
thomas asphalt-stein GmbH & Co. KG
Im Industriepark 13
55469 Simmern
T +49 (6761) 901 442
E miranda.czasny@thomas-next.de