Key features
- High PSV value for quartzite gravel
- High strengths of crushed material
- Excellent interlocking of the crushed material
- Hard stones with good bulk density
- Constant quality controls
- Broad delivery programme
Available at the
Argenthal plant
Our range includes:
- Coarse aggregate 2/5, 4/8, 2/8, 8/16 and 16/22
- Delivery of aggregates in line with DIN EN 12620; special requirements (PSV, SZ, grain shape) upon request
- Filler
We don’t just supply natural aggregates to our Concrete and Concrete Components division, we also supply to external construction material manufacturers. Are you looking for an aggregate supplier to produce ready-mixed concrete, concrete components or prefabricated parts? We offer a range of sands and crushed gravel in all sizes.
Miranda Czasny
Sekretariat Geschäftsführung
thomas asphalt-stein GmbH & Co. KG
Im Industriepark 13
55469 Simmern
T +49 (6761) 901 442
E miranda.czasny@thomas-next.de