Key features
- Light-coloured material
- Various aggregates available/wide range of products
- Every natural stone is “unique”
- 100% natural product
- Limestone can be split to produce quarry stone
Available at the
Argenthal, Steudnitz plants
- Crushed gravel-sand mixtures in different grain sizes from 0/2 mm to 0/22 mm
- Aggregates from 2/5 to 50/150 mm
- Quarry stones, cut stones, boulders, gabion gravel and crushed sand
We refine our limestone and quartzite to create decorative materials for your projects in horticulture and landscaping. The light-coloured and extremely durable stone is perfect for use in natural stone walls, stone beds or as decorative stand-alone pieces (boulders). Due to their attractive appearance, our natural stones are an ideal filler for gabions, as rock fountains as well as path construction material for attractive gravel paths and water-bound path surfaces. At thomas asphalt-stein every stone is a unique, premium quality natural product.
Miranda Czasny
Sekretariat Geschäftsführung
thomas asphalt-stein GmbH & Co. KG
Im Industriepark 13
55469 Simmern
T +49 (6761) 901 442
E miranda.czasny@thomas-next.de