Key features
- High PSV value for quartzite gravel
- High strengths of crushed material
- Hard stones with good bulk density
- Constant quality control
- Broad delivery programme
Available at the
Argenthal plant
Our repertoire also includes brightening gravel for asphalt surfacing. Our brightening gravel has a number of benefits if you are looking for a brightener for road surfaces. These include good skid resistance and safety as well as higher reflection values, even at night or in the rain. What’s more, you save on costs for additional brighteners and create a visible distinction between road surfaces.
Quartzite from Argenthal
The high PSV values of our quartzite ensure that the asphalt surfaces provide excellent skid resistance. Our quartzite permanently brightens asphalt surfaces without the need for any artificial aggregates.
Miranda Czasny
Sekretariat Geschäftsführung
thomas asphalt-stein GmbH & Co. KG
Im Industriepark 13
55469 Simmern
T +49 (6761) 901 442
E miranda.czasny@thomas-next.de